Sunday, August 2, 2015

Soooo there is a big chunk of land... what do we do?


Did you know that ducks will not just fly down where you want them to so you can hunt them?

Me either. This land is considered quite appealing for ducks but you still have to work and prep it before duck season gets here.

Oh good golly- the working and prepping that's being done. Mowing, tilling, spraying, planting, dirt being brought in, dirt moved, levees being built, ...I can't... I can not possibly keep up with what all is going on out there. So excuse my ignorance because I'm just going to ignore it for now. 

Picking up where our last flashback story left you dangling. I know you just haven't been able to sleep...I apologize. 

The land is now bought & Jimmy and Vickie put their home and their lake house on the market. 

Once winter was over things really started picking up. I believe before the end of February there was a contract on their house. Due to their work schedules and a family trip to Nashville to celebrate Brody & Aymish's birthdays we had very few weekends to move them. 

First question was where are we going to move them and their belongings. You see, one small bit of information I forgot to tell you about is that the land in Tunica has no house, no buildings, no shed on it. No dwelling. 

Nick & I had already found a reputable mobile home dealer and a plan that we liked. We were going to use this prefabricated home as our temporary dwelling to live in on Tunica once we sold our house. We would live in this home until we were ready to build. 

Once there was a contract on their house, Vickie called in panic mode asking where we found a mobile home. 
Needless to say, March of 2015 was very stressful for Jimmy and Vickie. They needed to pack a home they had lived in for close to 30 years. They had to purchase a prefabricated home. Have the land prepped with dirt and anchors, electricity & water run to it. It's Spring time now and that means a lot of rain and delays. Oh so many delays. 

They actually moved out of their house and had to move into a little tiny cabin at the local campgrounds for a few days because the water was not hooked up at the Sticks. 

We finally got them moved in and all of their stuff situated. By the term "situated", I mean that we moved it all into 2 climates controlled storage unit, 1 regular storage unit & semi-sized temporary container. Of course there is stuff in the trailer they live in too. 
I am often asked if anyone has started building yet. 

Yes, they are working on the barn-The first (official) building project. We need a place to store stuff!

Here are some pics of the progress of the mobile home. 
Getting the dirt pad ready. 
Waiting for things to dry out a little so they can finish. 
Half of the house rolled into place. 
Second half in place. 
Here it is once the boys finished the porch. 

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